# Menugen # http://www.supertom.com/menugen/ # Copyright 2000 Tom Melendez # menugen@supertom.com # 10/30/00 # Current Version is: 1.1 About Menugen and FAQ * What is Menugen? Menugen allows people with HTML experience to create cascading javascript menus (drop down boxes in which the contents change based on choices made a previous drop down box) * Did you write the javascript code yourself? No. The javascript code was written by Alan King and others at webreference.com. They have tested the code across multiple browsers and platforms with great success. Only as in this version have I had the desire to even change the HTML layout of their example, and I did so only to suit the needs and wishes of Menugen's users. * How do I make menugen work with a framed site? To make the menu work with frames, change the line in the code that reads: location = options[selectedIndex].value; to something like: parent.myframe.location.href = options[selectedIndex].value; Where 'myframe' is the name of the frame in which you want the page to load. The syntax may be a little off, but that's the idea. * I need three or more drop down boxes, does Menugen support that? Not at the present time. There is code at www.webreference.com that will support three or more boxes, but Menugen doesn't support this do to the complexity and a lack of need. If many users request this in the future, I might try to implement it. * Where do I report bugs, suggestions or comments? Send an email to menugen@supertom.com or click on the Contact Us button at www.supertom.com. History: 10/30/00 - Menugen 1.1 * This changelog * Empty entries are now removed before code is generated. * HTML formating of menu choices: 1. Original Webreference Code (no formating) 2. Boxes laid next to each other horizontally 3. Boxes stacked on top of each other Choices (2) and (3) have these formating options: -Table Background Color -Labels for each select box -Form Action -Presence or absence of submit buttons -Cell Padding -Cell Spacing -Table Border Width -Table Border Color * Help File * examples to reflect HTML formating * mailing list 03/15/2000 - Menugen 1.01 * bug fixes that caused text to be trucated. * Add code in text box at the end for WebTV users. 03/01/2000 - Menugen 1.0